Anything you can find about fishing in Indonesia. Target fish, boat charter, fishing spot, etc.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

2 days Fishing at Tanjung Bira - South Celebes

1st day at Pulau Kambing without any spectacular result, the wind still blowing from the east. Couldn't reach the good spot located on the eastern part of the island.
Nothing caught from jigging while bottom fishing landed some big rainbow runners, bigeye jacks, small bluefin jacks and one good size jobfish.

Days 2, tried to explore the spot on the far west side of Pulau Selayar. We caught nothing here, the fishing ground was below our expectation. We didn't stay long here, at 6 am we headed back to Pulau Pasi, 2 hours of popping resulting 1 big redbass, 1 bluefin jack, 1 small GT.

Everage size of bluefin jack.

This is the biggest redbass caught on popper so far...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Turtle Strike Movie

This is the movie version of the previous post Turtle Strike. Enjoy guys....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kimite Patch - Scopolamine Transdermal Therapheutic System

During my last few trips, I gave this patch to some of my customers who have sea sick problem. This little patch is amazing, much better than Dramamine or Antimo (Indonesian brand of Dimenhydrinate), no drowsiness effect, 1 patch can stand up to 3 days.
Fishing trip is more fun and enjoyable for anyone who has sea sick problem.
This patch is made in Korea, 1 pack contains of 2 pcs, the price is Rp. 60.000 each pack.
Call me if you need this little "State of the art" patch.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Accidentally Turtle Strike...!!


Oh.. no..!! TURTLE hooked on!!

Poor Turtle... come to daddy...

Take an easy guys...!!

Easy..... easy......!!

Yeaah..!! Welcome aboard Mr. Turtle...

Who did this to you Mr. Turtle??

Hang on.... lemme help you Sir!

Done..!! Bye bye Mr. Turtle.... live on and don't go back here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

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